Departure from the Familiar by Peg Arnold | Slow Down

Departure from the Familiar by Peg Arnold | Slow Down

Departures can be exciting as you might be preparing for a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, or you may be returning to that favorite spot where you connect with family, friends, or God. However, there is much to organize before you leave, which can consume your time and thoughts. 

These past few years, I have watched as my children both independently prepared for more permanent departures; the departure of relocation. Both of them are married with families and, at different times, stepped out in faith like their forefathers Moses and Abraham to relocate to a new state. It has involved great courage as my son, daughter, and spouses have taken on brand new jobs while simultaneously setting up a new home.

I began to question my own trust level when God called my husband and me to step out in faith and follow them across the country. I lived in the same house for over thirty years, in the same community, and even worked at the same job for over 15 years. There was comfort in my routine and life. I had roots in this area and deep relationships that had nurtured me, supported me, and encouraged me to grow. Now God had other plans, and my faith was about to be tested on a whole new level. 

It was exciting, nerve-wracking, challenging, and complex all at the same time! The process was bittersweet as we said good-bye to many dear friends who had become family. In addition, we sold a house full of memories to establish a new home for a new season! 

As we left our home on that final day, my husband and I held each other and sobbed in the empty family room. The memories in that home will forever be imprinted in our spirits and minds. After we composed ourselves, we prayed. We thanked God for the blessings and the memories of the home, while at the same time, praying for the new family moving in that day. Then, we took a final picture. In God’s providence, He blessed us with a spiritual visitation that could be seen in the photograph as a white cloud in the shape of a man. 

To understand the significance of this image, I need to share a bit of history with you. Right before my father departed from this world, he spoke of seeing family members “not in their skin.” We all share different beliefs on the visitation of angels and spirits. But I believe God knew I needed a tangible confirmation from Him as we departed from a treasured and predictable life for a new adventure. 

Departures can be frightening, devastating, or exciting. Remember, just as Joshua took over for Moses’ leadership, from the familiar in the journey to the Promised Land, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:9 

Are you experiencing the loss of a departed loved one or a different pending departure? No matter what you are experiencing or what season you are in, I pray that you can feel the peace and strength of God through the process and be grateful. You are never alone.

Lord, Staying comfortable in my familiar routines and surroundings is so easy. I say yes to the predictable but often respond with hesitation when you lead me in a new direction. You are paving the path for me, providing courage to travel in new directions as needed. Comfort me when the new direction involves a loss. Thank you for Your divine guidance and patience when I question you. To You be Glory and Honor! Amen

Printed in Slow Down and shared with permission from Devotions for the Distracted Hearty by Peg Arnold

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