Hasty Feet: A Poem by Ruth Lorensson | Art by Sarah Anderson | Slow Down
Settle In:
Get comfortable in your space with a blanket or cup of coffee. Try to stay consistent with your location and the time of day. Set distractions aside to just BE with the Father God, the Holy Spirit, and the Son Jesus. After a few deep breaths, invite the Holy Spirit to speak through a time of prayer. What is on your mind today? List three things you're thankful for?
Read Proverbs 19:2.
What words or phrases stood out to you?
A poem by Ruth Lorensson
The ache is there
Perplexing as it is
That catches my breath at nigh
Like a tugging of my coat from a child
I know the need is one I ought to care for
If I dare to look down from my Netflix trick
Pay attention to the persistent sound of the underground (in my soul)
I can’t escape the uncomfortable truth
That my hasty feet keep walking
My racing heart keeps numbing
My anxious mind keeps scrolling
Part of me doesn’t want it to stop (who will I be?)
The child in me won’t let it go (so I can be me)
Slow down enough to see beauty’s shadows
The differing shades of blue sky’s grace or curious-looking apples
Steady the pace to feel the real (as scary as that is)
Where hot tears roll from the reservoirs within.
Create solitude space to listen to the wild sounds of God whispers
That compels us in adventures with the King.
Let go - give in!
My hasty feet are tired of walking
Originally Posted in Every Little Seed | Slow Down