One day I drove up to Horsetooth to sit on a cliff. It was a lovely evening of reading and writing as I eagerly awaited the sunset. I packed up my things before it started getting dark because I didn’t want it to be dark by the time I got back to my car. 

The sun began to set and the sky started to shift; melting into shades of orange and yellow. After the sun had settled itself behind the peaks of the front range mountains I started my walk back to my car. I was nearly at the end of the path and at the top of a hill when something inside of me told me to wait. I sat down at a picnic table near my car and started my waiting. Before my eyes the clouds transposed; pinks and purples that joined the yellows and oranges crafting a stunning hand painted sunset before my eyes. The reservoir below shimmered with the little light that was left and turned into a deep indigo color. I was glad that I had waited; otherwise I would have missed the best part. I’m glad I didn’t leave before it got good. 

As I sat down at the picnic table next to me I began to feel God urge me to engage in a couple of memories of times I tried to walk (more like run) away from situations that He was trying to restore. I was reminded of all the years behind me I tried to move away from Colorado. The years spent trying to leave and have a new beginning. The years spent trying to escape the pain I had been feeling for a very long time because sometimes when we experience deep hurt, we try to run away from the place where we experienced the hurt. Yet in the middle of me trying to constantly run away, my advice from everyone was to stay. I even had one friend speak over me,  as we were making plans to move to North Carolina, and say, “I believe God wants to heal you where you were hurt.” Her comment would make me terribly upset for a few months because all I wanted to do was leave the place that hurt me so terribly. I’m happy to say now that I’m glad that I waited; otherwise I would have missed the best part. I’m glad I didn’t leave before it got good.

A part of my story marked by pain is now rewritten by God and marked by His blood because I chose to be healed by Him in the place that hurt me most. Ultimately, all these years have been marked by His faithfulness, kindness, and restorative hand. There are so many moments woven in and throughout scripture that share God's faithfulness; think of Abraham, Moses, the Israelites, David, and so many more. But the ultimate example can be found in Jesus himself. When He was crucified, I can imagine the complete and utter chaos that ensued within the minds of the Disciples on Saturday. The messiah murdered and condemned, what was going to become of them and the ministry they were pursuing with Jesus? When He rose again I’m sure they were glad they held on through the night. His faithfulness is true and there is plenty of proof that is worthy of remembrance for the heart of someone who is doubting. I pray that we continue to have moments where we sit and stare at sunsets in remembrance at the awe and wonder of God’s faithfulness.


“Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them. Full of splendor and majesty is His work, and His righteousness endures forever. He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful. He provides food for those who fear Him; He remembers His covenant forever. He has shown His people the power of His works, in giving them the inheritance of the nations. The works of His hands are faithful and just;  all His precepts are trustworthy; they are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness. He sent redemption to His people; He has commanded His convenience forever. Holy and awesome is His name!” Psalm 111:2-9 ESV



1.  Take a moment to pause and reflect. Let’s pray that God would reveal a moment where He has been faithful. Journal that now.

2.  After you pray, set a timer for one minute to sit and listen and see if the Lord has anything to reveal to you.

3.  Where has God brought redemption in your life and revealed His faithfulness? 

4.  Think of a moment in your life where you are in active need of healing and redemption from God. Is it hard for you to wait on His timing? 

5.  Going forward, how are you going to wait on the Lord’s faithfulness? How are You going to sit in awe and wonder of His promises? 


Originally published in Issue 1: Awe and Wonder