Peace That Surpasses Understanding By Karen Daily | from Sharpen Your Focus
Every year, I’m prayerful about choosing a word to focus on for the year. God knows what the upcoming year is going to bring, and I know He will give me encouragement through whatever word He gives me. Usually towards the end of December I start the process of seeking scripture, asking Him and journaling. God has given the words in different ways each year and it always ends up with a cool God-wink story of how He is speaking to me. I’m astonished in the way He works in my life all the different ways He speaks.
In January of 2020, I knew my word was supposed to be peace. It wasn’t an audible voice that I heard telling me but a series of subtle answers when I would pray that kept leading to the same word. I questioned why I needed the word peace that year. I felt at peace already in my life. It was a season of joy and I felt peace in my relationships and in my career. I asked God, “do I need to focus on peace for others around me?” Honestly, I didn’t want that word. I felt like I was Gracie Hart on Miss Congeniality, “and world peace!” It didn’t fit my current season, so it seemed unattractive to me.
The exact morning, I was questioning the word peace, I went to pick up my daughter from the church building where her preschool met. When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a giant banner flapping on the hill that windy day. It said PEACE. It couldn’t have been anymore clear! It was not there the week before, so I knew the church had just put it up. “Okay, God! I will declare that my word.” I laughed as I spoke out loud to myself in the car before I walked in.
God always knows what’s best for us! Little did we know, my husband and I would welcome a three-year-old foster kiddo into our home that March. None of us knew our world would be flipped upside down that same month.... schools would close, people would be out of jobs, sports events and vacations cancelled. I’m sure you remember exactly where you were when everything around you started shutting down. The peace I had felt in my surroundings before was now crumbling.
PEACE. It’s what we craved when the unknown of the pandemic hit and it’s what we still desire. Our human nature longs for it, we want to be in balance. The dictionary defines peace as: freedom from disturbance; tranquility. I went to my Bible and found it filled with scriptures on peace. Philippians 4:6-7 ESV “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Some of my other favorites that I would encourage you to look up are Romans 5:1, Isaiah 26:3, John 14:27, Colossians 3:15 and Galatians 5:22-23. After I searched the scripture, I got out my cute Hobby Lobby cardstock notecards and started writing verses on them. I needed truth to stand on when I was in a place of the unknown.
You may still be in a place of frustration, worry, fear, __________. You can fill in the blank with your own emotions. Or maybe it’s coming and going like a roller coaster. It might still be related to the pandemic or maybe life has taken a different unexpected turn of disappointment. Loss of a loved one, betrayal or a diagnosis. We live in a broken imperfect world filled with heartaches.
I would encourage you to get out your notecards and ask God what word and/or scriptures He wants you to hold onto. Be prayerful in searching and quiet when listening. Stand on the truth He gives. The peace only He can give. You won’t find peace in your surroundings or emotions; you’ll find peace in His word. If your peace has prerequisites, then it will always be a gamble. If it comes from a clean house, then a dirty house can take it away. If it comes from feeling in control, then being out of control will take it away. The Prince of Peace is the only one who can give you comfort in every season. He can give you joy even when it doesn’t feel possible.
I’m extremely grateful for the giant banner flapping on the hill that windy day that reassured me to go with the word that felt so unattractive to me. I needed to hold onto that word and learn more in depth what it really meant to be filled with God’s peace when I was in a place out of my comfort zone. I was finding anything but peace in my surroundings. God’s timing is perfect, and He always knows what we need, when we need it. I trust that He will give you exactly what you need for your upcoming season.
Originally published in Every Little Seed | Sharpen Your Focus