The Secret to Daily Living Out the Fruits of the Spirit By Brittany Holbrook
The Secret to Daily Living Out the Fruits of the Spirit By Brittany Holbrook
Which fruit of the Spirit do you display most every day? As I thought about this for myself, a Christ follower and busy Mama, I realized that all of the fruit of the Spirit should be evident in my life every day, right? However, some seems to come a little easier than others.
To be transparent, thinking about living out all the fruit of the Spirit each day gave me a bit of overwhelm. Can I really achieve that? How bad am I at showing others all these Godly characteristics of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control?
If you’re anything like me, by this point you’re thinking about how you can show more of God through your life every day too. But before we come up with a plan, let’s look at the scripture in Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT):
“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!”
Did you notice that first line? It shifted everything for me! It says, “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives…”. *sigh of relief* It’s not in my own strength and capability to exemplify the fruit of the Spirit every day. As long as I lean on Him, the Holy Spirit will produce it in my life.
So today I have a choice. I can choose to give in to my emotions and let them run my day, or I can choose to yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to produce fruit in my life. Right now, I’m choosing Him! This will give me so much fulfillment as well as I share Jesus with those around me.
Displaying the fruit of the Spirit that is produced in my life allows others to experience the goodness of God. My children are better, my husband is better, my friends and family are better too, not because of me but because of God through me.
Picture a beautiful, thriving apple tree in peak season. How refreshing it would be to walk by and taste a crisp, sweet apple plucked straight from its branches. That’s how I picture our lives when we share the fruit of the Spirit with those around us. May we choose to be fruit givers today supplied by the One who produces it in us.
Dear God, thank you for showing me your love and helping me see how I can share that with others. Give me strength to surrender to You today so others can experience your goodness through my life. I love you, in Jesus name, Amen.