Non-Negotiable by Dr. Emily Anderson Elder | Sharpen Your Focus
Living a life of intention is invaluable, but it can sometimes feel daunting if we are honest. If you’re like me, you may have an exorbitant amount of goals in any given year. I used to want to provide medical care for all, run ten miles a day, volunteer at a food bank, and read the bible to my kids more frequently! These are reasonable goals, but they can leave you feeling defeated if you aren’t able to achieve them. Consider finding a “non-negotiable” for the year to sharpen your focus. This “non-negotiable” can be a person, a value, a place, or word/phrase that you want as a driver for every action you do; it allows you to have peace each night knowing you lived the day for what was important.
3 key points about your “non-negotiable”:
- Once identified, write it down...EVERYWHERE! On your bathroom mirror, journals, sticky notes on your desk or dashboard, etc. Important items are easily buried in the tangible (less important) ones of our fast-paced world.
- Question yourself daily: Does this goal or action I’m considering align with my “non-negotiable”? If it doesn’t align, learn to say no!
- Set aside time every 3 months to review your progress...seriously, now is the time to put these “coffee shop self meetings” on your calendar. Use them to evaluate if your job, family life, personal health, extra-curricular time, etc. are aligning with your “non-negotiable.” If not, address those concerns now rather than putting them off for another couple of months.
Beginning today, this year can be full of intention, but first, you have to identify what fulfills you and adds value to your life. Once you have identified it, perseverate on it and live it out!
"It will take more out of you to sustain your current health than to pursue a greater one."
~Dr. Emily Anderson Elder MD
Originally published in Every Little Seed | Sharpen Your Focus