My husband is a California boy who grew up minutes from the beach. During our early years of dating and marriage, we spent a lot of time at several of our favorite beaches. He and I share “saltwater hearts.” We love the ocean. The smell of the gently rolling surf warmed by the southern sunshine with a fragrant hint of eucalyptus or star jasmine is delightful. There is something about how the ocean tides go in and out as the white foam forms at the shore that feels so peaceful. At low tide, we can look for signs of sea life and shells like hidden treasures being revealed. 

Life is like a tide that goes in and out, with high tides and low tides, and there is beauty and wonder along the way. We ride the ebbs and flows of our life. Low tides can feel like scraping our toes on barnacles or walking on uneven rocks. They can feel uncomfortable, like kelp sticking to our ankles. Yet, low tides are essential; they are the times we can see the treasures and the glass or debris exposed on the seafloor; we can see the things that need protecting as well as the things that need removing. Low tides of life form us into Christlikeness. 

High tides also have an important place. They can feel pleasant, like the delight of a dolphin playfully riding a breaker in the bright summer sunshine. These times look like warmth and harmony in relationships, contentment in life circumstances, or recognition in your job. These times, however wonderful, can also leave you feeling unprepared for the jolt that comes when the tide quickly changes, and the waters recede again. 

It is helpful to remember that this flow of life comes to us all because we all share the human experience. Joseph, in the Bible’s book of Genesis, experienced both high and low tides as he said “yes” to being God’s man. He went from the pit (low tide) to the palace (high tide), to the prison(low tide), to being the prime minister of the nation (high tide). 

King David was underestimated by his family but esteemed in the eyes of heaven because of his heart for God. He had times of being on the run for his life from Saul, and he had seasons of abundance, success, and blessing. God is always with us, and his presence and power give us everything we need to negotiate the ebbs and flows of life.


Lord, thank you for being ever-present in the changing rhythms of life. Use these cycles to form us into your likeness edges like a shell being polished by the sand. Thank you for the gift of the ocean in which we can find such delight and be inspired by the depth of Your love. Amen.